FENURON, Urea, Phthalogen Blue, Ingrain, Reactive, Dyes, Organic Pigment, Blood Stains, pH Indicators, Manibhadra, Ahmedabad, India.
Phthalogen Blue 3GM ( Ingrain Blue 2.1 )
 AIngrain Brill Blue 3GM Pdr. (Mixed with Copper Complex) Dyeing for Fabrics
Padding Process :
6 Parts Ingrain Brill Blue 3GM Pdr.
8 Parts Solvent cum Emulsifier
10 Parts Urea
25 Parts Followed by addition of
51 Parts Ice Cold Water
100 Parts

Pad and dry the material at about 80-90 C. Cure at 1500C for about 5to6 minutes.

After Treatment : The material is rinse in cold water & is treated with Sodium nitrite 4 gms/litre HCL at boil for 20 minutes. wash with soap & soda ash at boil and rinse.

Ingrain Blue 3GM Pdr. Printing for Fabrics
Padding Process :
6 Parts Ingrain Brill Blue 3GM Pdr.
10 Parts Urea
26 Parts Water
58 Parts Gum Thickening
100 Parts

Print on screen and dry in air. Steam for one hour wash with cold water and dry.